Another week, another big new feature to SnekLog. This is another request I received both on Reddit and on a a few reptile Discord servers and that is a "Photo Gallery" for each of your reptiles. This was a tough nut to crack as I wanted to ensure that it was actually a useful feature instead of a gimmick where I could just say, "You can upload pictures of your reptiles!". I built this feature with the idea in mind that keepers would use it to keep track of changes of their reptiles over time, or to document injuries or any other aspect they feel is necessary.

The Photo Gallery is on each and every reptiles dashboard and you can show/hide it simply by clicking on the reptiles default picture (it is hidden by default to save space more mobile users). You can than select a picture to go into a full screen version that will also display the notes you typed in when uploading the picture. You can read all about the Photo Gallery feature SnekLog Documentation

Updates For The Week

New Features

  • Added a Photo Gallery for each and every reptile
    • You can now upload up to 10 photos using the "Reptile Photo Manager" link which you can find on the sidebar while in the Reptile Dashboard
  • Some pages will have a 'Back' button on the quick links bar. IE: Adding/Updating an event has a button to return to the reptile dashboard


  • The code for Adding/Updating events was completely rewritten to be more efficient and robust.
  • The logo on the sidebar was update to reflect the finalized "Long Tail Reptiles" logo
  • Some UI cleanups to make the application more consistent

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where cage names were not displaying properly on the Homepage under the 'Cage' filter
  • Fixed Food Sizes not sorting properly on the Reptile and Event pages