The first big update of the new year is finally ready. It was a fair bit behind schedule as I was a little bogged down with school and wrapping up my first degree and moved into my 2nd one but things finally mellowed out and gave me some time work on SnekLog and I finally managed to get around to one thing I wanted to include a long time ago which was a "Calendar View". Right now the functionality is a little bit on the basic side but it allows you to look at all your currently due and upcoming events like Feedings, Cleanings, Weights and Medications. Eventually I plan on adding in the ability to see the estimated shed window, event history (to an extent) and possibly even allowing for users to add their own custom events (or import a feed from iCal/Google Calendar) so you can micromanage your collection to your hearts content!

Calendar Preview

New Features

  • You can now view your upcoming Feeding, Cleaning, Weight and Medication events with a Calendar View
    • Any "overdue" events will show up under the current day
    • On a higher resolution device (Tablet or Desktop) you can view events as a list or as a Calendar while on a Phone or other small screen device you are limited to a list for a day or week
    • Using the buttons on the sidebar you can enable/disable "Feeding Due", "Cleaning Due", "Weight Due", and "Medication Due" events
  • A new "On Medication" icon (A small syringe) has been added that will show up for your reptiles if they are within X days of getting a medication. The idea being that you can use it to aid in your feeding schedule if you give medication with the food item
    • You can configure the settings for this under the "App Settings" page
    • If the Medication is within your "Reminder Timer" window, it will be replaced with the "Medication Due" icon (small pills)
  • Added the "Fasting", "Medication Due", and the newly added "On Medication" icons to the food list
  • Made the Reptile Names clickable in the food list
  • Added a filter for "Needs Cleaning" to the homepage

Small Tweaks

  • Made the footer of the application smaller
  • Updated the page layout of the "Password Reset" page
  • Reorganized the App Settings Page

Bug Fixes

  • The notification regarding "Updated Events" has had its grammar corrected